


  • Schulz, C.: Neuauflagen aller Bücher
  • Schulz, C.: >52 Blogbeiträge zum Arbeiten als Unternehmensberater, 2022
  • Schulz, C.: palladio Impulse. 10 Blogbeiträge zu Digitalisierung, IT Management und Business-IT-Alignment, 2022








  • Schulz, C.: Der Faltcaravan – eine Campingalternative?!. Gastartikel auf, 2015
  • Schulz, C.: Drei Monate Dauercamping mit dem Faltcaravan – eine Bilanz. Gastartikel, 2015
  • Schulz, C.: Effektives Blog-Management mit Trello. Gastartikel, 2015
  • Schulz, C.: faltcaravaning.netBlog-und Camping-Projekt während 2-monatiger Elternzeit, 2015
  • Schulz, C., Roth, S..: IT-Abschlussprüfung – Herausforderung und Chance. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK & MANAGEMENT, (04), 6–17, 2015
  • Schulz, C.: Schulz – 2015 – Quo vadis Arbeitsplatz-IT – Empfehlungen für ein zukunftsorientiertes IT Asset Management. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK & MANAGEMENT, (03), 76–78, 2015
  • Korcok, V., Schulz, C., Tannert, A.: Arbeitsplatz IT Services -Praxisbericht 2015. Technical report. München/Germany, 2015
  • Schulz, C., Thiers, M.: IT-Service-Portfolio-Harmonisierung: Systematische Konsolidierung von Service-Landschaften. OBJEKTspektrum, (04), 2015
  • Schulz, C.: IT-Katalogmanagement: Steuerungsinstrument für den internen Hard- und Softwarebestand. OBJEKTspektrum, (03), 68-72, 2015


  • Schulz, C.: Kennzahlen für das Management von Arbeitsplatz IT Assets – Bericht aus der Praxis. In MetriKon. Stuttgart/Germany, 2014
  • Herzberg, J., Schulz, C., & Tannert, A.: IT Asset Management: Schlüssel-Service zum Umgang mit der Arbeitsplatz IT. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK & MANAGEMENT, (04), 8–18, 2014
  • Hauder, M., Roth, S., Schulz, C., & Matthes, F.: Agile Enterprise Architecture Management: An Analysis on the Application of Agile Principles. In Fourth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD). Luxembourg/Luxembourg, 2014
  • Schulz, C.: A glossary of IT asset management terminology – Version 1.0. Technical report. Garching b. München/Germany, 2014
  • Tannert, A., & Schulz, C.: IT Asset Management Tool Survey 2014. Technical report. Wiesbaden/ Germany, 2014
  • Schulz, C.: IT-Asset-Management: Große Hard- und Softwarevolumen richtig planen und managen. OBJEKTspektrum, (03), 68–71, 2014


  • Hauder, M., Roth, S., Schulz, C., & Matthes, F.: Current Tool Support for Metrics in Enterprise Architecture Management. In MetriKon. Kaiserslautern/Germany, 2013
  • Schulz, C.: EAM Scenarios: EAM in Mergers & Acquisitions. White Paper. Wiesbaden/Germany, 2013
  • Kaczor, G., & Schulz, C.: Unternehmensarchitektur-Management on Demand: Wie Web-2.0-Werkzeuge EAM effizient unterstützen können. OBJEKTspektrum, (06), 4, 2013
  • Gursch, J., Schulz, C., & Seiz, S.: Management von IT-Wissen bei Mergers & Acquisitions: Ein Blick in die Praxis. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK & MANAGEMENT, 02(13), 72–79, 2013
  • Roth, S., & Schulz, C.: A pattern-based approach to presentations using slide facilities. In 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP). Irsee Monastery/Germany, 2013
  • Hauder, M., Roth, S., Matthes, F., Schulz, C.: Organizational factors influencing enterprise architecture management challenges. 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Utrecht/The Netherlands, 2013
  • Knoll, R., & Schulz, C.: SEAM Framework – A lightweight approach to a goal oriented management of enterprise architectures. Technical Report. Wiesbaden/Germany, 2013
  • Knoll, R., Schulz, C.: Enterprise Architecture Tool Survey 2013. Technical report. Wiesbaden/Germany, 2013
  • Matthes, F., Schneider, A., Schulz, C.: Goals in enterprise architecture management – findings from literature and future research directions. IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics 2013 (CBI). Vienna/Austria, 2013


  • Eckert, M.-L., Freitag, A., Matthes, F., Roth, S., & Schulz, C.: Decision support for selecting an application landscape integration stratetegy in mergers and acquisitions. 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Barcelona/Spain, 2012
  • Freitag, A., Schulz, C.: Investigating on the role of EA management in mergers & acquisitions. 2nd International symposium on business modeling and software design (BMSD). Geneva/Switzerland, 2012
  • Haller, K., Matthes, F., & Schulz, C.: A detailed process model for large scale data migration projects. 15th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS), Vilnius/Lithuania, 2012
  • Hauder, M., Matthes, F., Roth, S., Schulz, C.: Generating dynamic cross-organizational process visualizations through abstract view model pattern matching. Architecture Modeling for Future Internet enabled Enterprise (AMFInE), Valencia/Spain, 2012
  • Lescher, C., Naughton, H., Brügge, B., Schulz, C., Neubert, C., & Matthes, F.: Project management metrics in the age of global software engineering. MetriKon, Stuttgart/ Germany, 2012
  • Matthes, F; Monahov, I.; Schneider, A.W. Schulz, C.: Towards a unified and configurable structure for EA management KPIs. 7th Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR), Barcelona/Spain, 2012
  • Matthes, F., Monahov, I., Schneider, A., Schulz, C.: A template-based design method to define organization-specific KPIs for the domain of enterprise architecture management. MetriKon. Stuttgart/Germany, 2012
  • Matthes, F., Monahov I., Schneider A., Schulz C.: EAM KPI Catalog v 1.0. Technical Report, München/Germany, 2012
  • Matthes, F., Schneider, A., Schulz, C.: IT Carve-out guide – A manual for the separation of IT during corporate re-organizations. Technical report, München/Germany, 2012
  • Schulz, C.: A detailed process model for large scale data migration projects. PhD thesis,  Technische Universität München, München/Germany, 2012


  • Buckl, S.; Gehlert, A.; Matthes, F.; Schulz, C.; Schweda, C.M.: Modeling the supply and demand of architectural information on enterprise level. 15th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC), Helsinki/Finland, 2011
  • Buckl, S.; Matthes, F.; Monahov, I.; Roth, S.; Schulz, C.; Schweda, C.M.: Towards an agile design of the enterprise architecture management function.  6th International Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR), Helsinki/Finland, 2011
  • Buckl, S.; Matthes, F.; Monahov, I.; Roth, S.; Schulz, C.; Schweda, C.M.: Enterprise architecture management patterns for enterprise-wide access views on business objects. 16th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP), Irsee Monastery/Germany, 2011
  • Contreras J.; Laurini R.; Lescher C.; Matthes F.; Neubert C.; Rumpler B.; Schulz C.; Sol D.; Warendorf K.: Teaching global software engineering and international project management – experiences and lessons learned from four academic projects. 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), Noordwijkerhout/The Netherlands, 2011
  • Freitag, A., Matthes, F., Nowobilska, A.,Schulz, C.: A method for business capability dependency analysis. International Conference on IT-enabled Innovation in Enterprise (ICITIE), Sofia/Bulgaria, 2011
  • Freitag, A.; Matthes, F.:, Schulz, C.: M&A driven IT transformation – empirical findings from a series of expert interviews. 10. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Zürich/Switzerland, 2011
  • Haller, K., Matthes, F., Schulz, C.: Testing & quality assurance in data migration projects. 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM). Williamsburg/USA, 2011
  • Matthes, F.; Schulz, C.: Towards an integrated data migration process model – state of the art & literature overview. Technical Report, München/Germany, 2011


  • Buckl, S.; Matthes, F.; Roth, S.; Schulz, C.; Schweda, C.M.: A conceptual framework for enterprise architecture design. 5th Workshop Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR), Delft/The Netherlands, 2010
  • Buckl, S.; Matthes, F.; Roth, S.; Schulz, C.; Schweda, C. M.: A method for constructing enterprise-wide access views on business objects. Informatik 2010: IT-Governance in verteilten Systemen (GVS), Leipzig/Germany, 2010
  • Buckl, S.; Matthes, F.; Schulz, C.; Schweda, C. M.: Exemplifying a framework for interrelating enterprise architecture concerns. 4th International Workshop on Ontology, Conceptualization and Epistemology for Information Systems, Software Engineering and Service Sciences (ONTOSE), Hammamet/Tunisia, 2010
  • Freitag, A.; Matthes, F.; Schulz, C.: IT transformation in the context of mergers & acquisitions – findings from a series of expert Interviews in the German banking industry. Technical Report, München/Germany, 2010
  • Freitag, A., Matthes, F., Schulz, C.: A method for consolidating application landscapes during the post-merger integration phase. International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT), Wisla/Poland, 2010
  • Matthes, F., Neubert, C., Schulz, C.: Teaching global software engineering – a practical experience, München/Germany, 2010


  • Buckl, S.; Dierl, T.; Matthes, F.; Schulz, C.; Schweda, C. M.: Teaching enterprise architecture management – a practical experience. Technical report, München/Germany, 2009
  • Buckl, S.; Ernst, A.; Matthes, F.; Schulz, C.; Schweda, C. M.: Constructing an enterprise-specific radar system for assisted project surveillance. Workshop MDD, SOA und IT-Management (MSI), Oldenburg/Germany, 2009

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